国立民族学博物館現代中東地域研究拠点 Center for Modem Middle East Studies,National Museum of Ethnology国立民族学博物館現代中東地域研究拠点 Center for Modem Middle East Studies,National Museum of Ethnology

Database for Museums in the Middle East
Islamic Republic of Iran

Classification by types of Museum(Multiple choice possible)

[Classification by exhibition]


[Classification by provinces]


<About this Database>

The Center for Modern Middle East Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, releases this museum database for promoting research on cultural resources and heritages as well as providing information for tourists.
Although this database does not cover all museums in Iran,
it broadly covers about 500 museums in existence in Iran as of May 1, 2018: even those under construction.
Classification of museums is done according to location by province,
and classification by collections in Timothy Ambrose and Crispin Paine Museum Basics. p.7, London: Routledge.
Museum data were collected by Kenji KURODA
(Project Assistant Professor, Center for Modern Middle East Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology.)

<How to use>

Click “Open” at the top right of the screen and the search menu will be open.
You can search the full text using “Search words”
You can search by limitation based on the museum classification and province in which it is located.