
<About this Database>

The Center for Modern Middle East Studies at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, released this museum database for promoting research on cultural resources and heritages and KAKEN 21H04372 has maintained and updated the database. Although this database does not cover all museums in and on the Middle East but cover selected countries and regions. We classifies museums according to collections in Timothy Ambrose and Crispin Paine Museum Basics. p.7, London: Routledge.
This search page provides cross search service of our museum database. You can also search by country or region through each database page.

<How to use>

You can search the full text using “Search words”.
You can search by limitation based on the museum classification and location.
You can view details on museum when you click a marker icon in Google Maps in result page.

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Search by country or region (multiple choices unallowed)

Search by classifications of collection (multiple choices allowed)

To go to each database